In a post Mark Hyman wrote, Glutathione is the secret to preventing ageing, Cancer, Heart Disease, Dementia and many more. It is also necessary to treat everything from Autism to Alzheimers Disease. Today he still stands by this statement.
Anyone that knows me will be very aware of my love for Glutathione, I truly belive it is the most incredible vitamin available. The health and well being benefits of having this powerful antioxidant injection are almost limitless. My clients have benefited from a vast array of amazing benefits including.
Weight Loss
Higher energy levels
Mental focus/clarity
Clearing of skin conditions - eczema, dermatitis and acne
Increase muscle recovery
Lessening of joint and muscle aches
Improved PMT - Light bleeding, less pain
General sense of well being
Glowing skin
Improvement of hair and nails
The List could just keep going, this truly is the "Golden Vitamin"
Feel free to contact me with any of your questions or concerns. We are here to help you to the best of our ability.
Mobile: 07527278895
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